What is Profile Verification Process
Profile verification (optional) is a process in which we verify the following details about a candidate's profile.
- Profile Picture
- Age
- Phone
- Location - City, Country, Nationality, etc
- Highest Degree
- Profession or Job
This increases trust and credibility in the eyes of interested people and your profile may get more views and contacts after profile verification. For the verification of above details, we ask our users to upload certain documents during profile creation, which are:
1. ID Card and/or Passport (Scanned both front and back - for Picture, Age and Address verification)
2. Highest Degree (Scanned - for Education verification)
3. Business/Employment ID Card (Scanned both front and back - for Profession Verification)
You can either zip all documents and upload them at once or you may attach them individually one by one. You can upload maximum 5 files individually. All documents are deleted permanently from our servers after profile is verified and approved.
For Phone Verification
For phone verification, please send us an SMS via your phone number in the following format to 92 312 5177060.
Format: verify (space) username (space) pkm
After uploading and submission of documents, it may take around 24 to 48 hours for the details to be verified and approved.
Note: All documents are deleted permanently from our servers after profile is verified and approved. We try our best to ensure that all verifications are done properly and the details are correct, but we don't give any guarantee about any profile's completeness, accuracy or correctness. Click here to read our disclaimer.